Just a quick one, now i'm not suffering so badly from post traumatic release disorder, I thought I better just make a note saying to you guys the release builds were updated yesterday (if you didn't realize there was edit's) due to a bug making the TLB release extremely slow. This has now been fixed.
I have just updated the packs again to include Linuz ISO plugin version 0.7.0, seems we accidentally packed 0.6.0 with the earlier builds! sorry about that!
If you already have the slowness bug fixes (or you only use VM), you can download the Linuz ISO plugin update from our plugin downloads section, else feel free to redownload the packs, preferably from the mirror, as some of you may have noticed due to the volume of downloads we had, the site was grinding to a halt!
Thanks and enjoy 0.9.4 Refraction
PS: Guide to getting online coming soon (a proper one). As linked in the last post there is a simple guide with the basic steps you need to take in order to get up and running, but i will do a more detailed one later for those who don't quite understand 😊